ZynStem™ Hair Regrowth Treatment – Test2

Our Power of 3 formula ensures the ultimate scalp treatment. AI Scalp Analysis for greater precision. Safe & patented ZynStem™ Bio-cells technology bioscience for results-driven treatments.  NanoJET™ delivery system for a painless experience. Book your first trial at $120 or $999 for unlimited sessions within 1 month. 

Start your journey with us by selecting a tentative date and time for your first appointment.

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Terms & Conditions

  1.  Valid for DrScalp first-time customers only.
  2.  Valid for Singaporeans, PR, LTVP or Work Pass Holders. Not valid for tourists.
  3.  Date and Time selections are only tentative, on a first-come-first-serve basis. Our customer service team will be in touch within the day to confirm your appointment date.
  4.  Valid for customers at least 23 years old. Those who are below the age of 23 years old have to be accompanied by their parents.
  5.  This trial can only be redeemed with advance online payment.
  6.  Once payment is successful, you will receive an order confirmation email with a unique order number. Quote the order number when our customer service team gets in touch with you to confirm your appointment date.
  7.  We allow up to 2 times appointment changes, with 24-hour’s notice. Otherwise, payment will be forfeited.
  8.  You may purchase multiple quantities of this trial however each trial purchased is valid for redemption for 1 first-time customer only.
  9.  Pregnant woman is eligible for this trial. Please kindly inform your pregnancy to our customer service team for their awareness.
  10.  In case you run into difficulties making online payment, feel free to contact us via WhatsApp at 93217878.